Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy belated Tu beShvat!

Happy belated Tu beShvat!

We hope you all had a special and meaningful Tu beShvat Chag.

Here in the Mechina we studied about the basic elements and fundamentals of Tu beShvat, learned as well some of the deeper and hidden messages which it contains and of course held a beautiful Seder full of a variety of fruits and nuts, the seven species that Israel is blessed with, and lots of  Torah sharing and singing.

A great opportunity to connect to Eretz Yisrael!!!

עוד ישמע בערי יהודה ובחוצות ירושלים...
Before anything else, a warm Mazal-Tov goes to our Rosh Mechina, Rav Erez and his wife Ester on the recent engagement of their first child, (!) Shani, to her Chattan Ido. There was a lively and large engagement party in the Moshav that many people as well as the students attended, celebrating together this great Simcha.
A hearty Mazal-Tov also goes to Rav Amiad, who's younger sister Cherut, got married last week.
May both of them merit to build a proud Jewish family rooted in Torah and Mitzvot out of love, caring, and respect for each other, in Eretz Yisrael! Mazal Tov!!!

On a different note, about a week ago the students had their first hands on experience with navigation. Their skills were tested after they were dropped of in the middle of "nowhere" in the Galill, about an hour away and had to navigate back to the pickup point (there were of course staff members supervising everything behind the scenes). Using compasses, their knowledge, and maps, they all succeeded in eventually making it back. It was a very satisfying and rewarding experience using what they learned in actuality and truly having it work.

This past Thursday the students had to hand in a project about a specific country in the Middle East on which they’ll be graded, for the past semester in their Bar-Ilan College courses. We hope they all did a good job and pass with a high grade!
That’s about it for now.
This Shabbat we will all be going to Chevron. We look forward to spending the Teffilot, meals, shiurim, and activities all together with a true sense of kedusha while strengthening our connection to our grandparents, Avraham, and Sara, Yitzchak, Rivkah, Ya'akov, and Leah.

Kol Tuv,

R’ Asher

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